What We Do


Being intentional about how and where you show up within industry has strategic value that impacts audience engagement, brand relevance, executive reputation, employee recruitment, campaign launches, new business development, and issues management. Our team works across industries and geographies to support in the following specialized areas:

Our Services

  • Event Strategy + Execution

    Is your event budget driving the greatest possible ROI? Ascendancy looks holistically at where you are investing your event marketing budget and helps create efficiencies in how and where you reach stakeholders. Ascendancy also has a network that provides a full suite of event production services.

  • Thought Leadership Activations

    Working independently or with your agency partners, Ascendancy helps you appear on essential stages. We also create owned events at any scale, allowing you to connect uniquely with customers.

  • Speakers Bureau

    With a deep network of show organizers and industry leaders, Ascendancy secures strategic speaking engagements for a bench of leaders within an organization, and negotiates sponsorships that help you efficiently shine a light on your organization’s accomplishments.

  • Networking Receptions + VIP Experiences

    Whether at an industry conference or in your location of choice, Ascendancy knows how to design experiences that engage your most important customers.

  • Event Promotion

    Ascendancy promotes your events and thought leadership activations on social media, reaching a deep network of business leaders across industries.

  • Live Podcasting

    Ascendancy creates live podcasting stages and engages influencers in your industry to participate in this uniquely impactful way. Leveraging a network of highly accomplished podcasting partners, we can help you fully take advantage of the power of audio.